“There is no reality except the one contained within us.”

Hermann Hesse

Why Subconscious Coaching?

It’s estimated that somewhere between 95-99% of our behaviors are actually subconscious – meaning that even when we might *think* we are in control of our lives and our decisions, we are often still being led by unconscious drivers. 

Subconscious work is incredibly important because it helps us to:

  • Identify what actually lives inside our subconscious mind including strengths, fears, and deeper desires
  • Decide what we want to create more space for and where we want to clear our energy
  • Harness the power of that 95-99% to truly create change from the inside out
  • Create lasting habits that are in line with our core goals and values

Great. So how do we access the subconscious mind?

There are a few ways. One of the most important ways is through altered states of consciousness like meditation, hypnosis, and sleep. Ever awoken from a beautiful dream and wished it didn’t have to end? Experienced something mystical in meditation? Zoned out and felt as if time stopped altogether? If so, you’re touching the fabric of these altered states. Another important way we access subconscious information is through asking quality questions and making the subconscious conscious

Kate’s programs center around both of these themes – pairing altered states with the conscious uncovering of the subconscious processes that quite literally run our lives, she helps you to unravel your own patterns and own your true potential.


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I went into the Beyond Belief program with an open mind and a willingness to embrace change. What I didn’t expect was an experience that made me grow in ways that I didn’t think possible.
I reconnected to a little piece of me had been lost and I had forgotten even existed. It was the piece of me that I loved most about myself but had somehow disappeared without me even realising it.
Thank you Kate for giving this back to me and reminding me of that wonderful part of me that I forgotten how to connect with. 3 months on and my mindset is still in a great place and I work on ensuring that I will never lose that piece of me again. As a result my life is full again, a gift that cannot be repaid and a gratitude that cannot be fully expressed in words alone.
I would recommend this process to anyone that wants to change their life for the better. Beautifully and professionally presented and I cannot recommend it enough.